
外资(欧美) 500-1000人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品) 原材料和加工


大闽国际集团是一家集研发、生产、销售于一体的专业从事茶和天然植物深加工的国际化企业集团。Damin International Group is an internationalized group of enterprises, specialized in tea other natural plant processing. We have Research Development Center, Produciton Center Sales Department.大闽的产品主要有速溶茶及浓缩液、草本速溶粉及浓缩液、咖啡系列产品、罗汉果系列产品、代工产品(PET瓶装饮料、固体饮料)等,并提供优质解决方案。大闽通过了ISO9001、HACCP、ISO14001、BRC、有机茶加工(欧盟、美国)、Kosher、Halal、CNAS等国际认证,产品远销43个国家,是中国、美国、欧洲、日本等国家和地区的多家大型食品饮料和制药企业的重要供应商。Damin’s majseries products are Instant Tea Tea Concentrate, Instant Herbal Tea Herbal Concentrate, Coffee Products, Luo Han Guo Products, OEM Products (PET Bottled Drinks Solid Drinks), etc., we also provide with high quality solutions. DAMIN has already obtained many international standards certification, such as ISO9001, HACCP, ISO14001, BRC, Organic Tea Processing (EU standard US standard), Kosher, Halal (IFANCA MUI), CNAS, etc.. Our products find a good sale in 43ries we are a very important supplier flarge food & drinks companies pharmaceutical enterprises in China, America, Europe Japan.在博爱中取得共赢,在超越中获得发展,“博爱,超越”始终是大闽的企业精神。大闽的目标是成为“健康饮品方案解决专家和全球最主要的茶和植物提取物生产和研发中心”。经过多年的发展,大闽已成为全球产能最大的速溶茶生产商、全球规模最大的茶提取物和全球第三大天然植物提取物生产商。(数据来源:欧睿国际EuromonitInternational, 2011)。To have common wins by Benevolence achieve development by Transcendence is Damin’s spirits. The final goal of Damin is to become “Healthy Drinks Solution Expert Production R&D Center of Global Tea Plant Extraction.“在自然中创造梦想”(DAMIN=Dreams Are Made In Nature),是大闽的不懈追求。在高速稳定的发展中,大闽始终铭记自身使命,那就是——生产出最适合消费者享用的、健康自然的产品,创造出消费者一直渴望的、回归自然的健康生活方式。DAMIN=Dreams Are Made In Nature, it’s Damin’s pursuit. In high speed development, Damin always keeps in mind its original wish, that is to produce healthy natural products life styles suitable fcustomers.

公司地址:福建省漳州市龙文区蓝田开发区横一路 (邮编:363000)
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